We Believe:

At Forestpark we believe all children are important. The Bible shows us the importance of the children to Jesus. We believe children are the future leaders of our churches and our nation. We believe that we need to train up our children in the home and in the church. We believe the training of our children today will effect the destiny of our nation tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Galactic Pictures VBS 2017 Pictures

Casting Call for VBS 2018! - LifeWay VBS

Look what we just got from Lifeway VBS!

Casting Call for VBS 2018! - LifeWay VBS: Did you enjoy this year's Worship Rally videos about Landon, his friends, and his astronaut dad? We thought they were out of this world! Have you ever wished you could actually be part of the Worship Rally drama videos? Well here's your chance! Please note that there is no compensation whatsoever for transportation or participation …But, we'll be giving away prizes to some lucky winners including a Free Ipad!