Here are the songs the kids are singing for Easter! (and some random thoughts by skip ahead if you're in a rush!)
We are so excited that it is almost Easter!!
You know, there is a lot to do between now and bedtime a week from Sunday! But, let's try (sort-of, maybe) to keep something in mind as we rush through this holiday...
Kids can only understand "Easter" in so far as we teach them about "Easter".
They will only understand what they actually see around them, not what we split-second tell them in-the-car-headed-to-stop-#7.
Not that we can actually take them physically to the empty tomb in a week and a half, but...
If we spend the next 11 days rushing around, buying fancy clothes, frantically stuffing eggs, cramming their head full of song lyrics, desperately trying to get everything done and to church on time for breakfast, and then afterwards yell, "HURRY UP AND GRAB SOME EGGS! We've got to get to Grandmas!!!".....guess what they will learn? Well, not "peace and joy" anyway.
Now, that's not to say we can roll out of bed and head off in our blue jean cut-offs to church Easter morning, refuse to bother with Easter Baskets so we toss them some peeps from the gas station, wander in an hour late for church, and make Grandma mad because we forgot her!
But, this year, I am hoping to try to take a few deep breaths, (remind me when you see me) and give Grace a little extra grace, when she has her dress on backwards, and let Thomas have a little moment of down time when he looses his left shoe (again.) And maybe, hopefully, take a second here and there to talk about the real point of this upcoming day! "He is Risen!" "He is Risen Indeed!" :-)
Anyway...on to the songs!!
A Couple of Notes:
**If your little ones don't want to go up front, when we call all the kids this week for Palm Sunday to wave Palm Branches or on Easter Sunday, to sing, don't be too hard on them, we don't want anyone to be afraid, it's supposed to be fun! :-)
~Also, if you have other kids with you that day, friends or visitors, encourage them to come on up! It's easy to pick up and we want everyone to feel included!!!
Finally, PLEASE sing along Easter, if it seems like the kids get super shy or lost! It will help them stay together and not be afraid! (The words will be on the screen)
Links to Songs: (Lyrics below)
Elena Carder is singing the first verse then everyone sings the chorus together.
Then Keely and Brooke are singing the second verse, and again everyone together!
The kids have learned some moves for both songs too! It should be cute.
2) This is the second Easter Song for the Kids! (Hallelujah version) FYI- The Kids learned it Sunday as "Allelu Allelu" not "Hallelu Hallelu" (Below I will post all the words)
*Actually, this came up Sunday too! So... here's some info on "Why Allelu Allelu instead of Hallelu Hallelu?"
(From Wikipedia) - "Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Standard Halləluya, Tiberian Halləlûyāh) meaning '[Let us] praise (הַלְּלוּ) Yah (יָהּ).' It is found mainly in the book of Psalms and has a similar pronunciation in many, but not all, languages. The word is used in Judaism as part of the Hallel prayers, and in Christian praise. It has been accepted into the English language, but its Latin form Alleluia is used by many English-speaking Christians in preference to Hallelujah."
Mighty to save Laura Story
Everyone needs compassion
Love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything that I believe in
Now I surrender
Yes I surrender
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing
For the glory of the risen King
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing
For the glory of the risen King
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Your my Savior
You can move the mountains
God You are mighty to save
You are mighty to save
Author of salvation
You rose and conquered the grave
Yes you conquered the grave
You are mighty to save.
Praise ye the Lord
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (HCSB)