We Believe:

At Forestpark we believe all children are important. The Bible shows us the importance of the children to Jesus. We believe children are the future leaders of our churches and our nation. We believe that we need to train up our children in the home and in the church. We believe the training of our children today will effect the destiny of our nation tomorrow.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Winter Family Fun Night March 18th Raingutter Regatta

Greeting from VBS Central Command!

We have an Official Date for VBS 2016!

Sunday June 5th- Thursday June 9th from 6:15-9:00pm nightly!

To announce this exciting info, we are having our Winter Family Fun Night Friday March 18th at 6:30pm
Go to the Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1091463887573167/

We will have supplies and suggestions for building a Regatta Sailboat and everyone (kids and adults) will be invited to race their invention down our Raingutter Raceway!

Also, VBS Decorations will get underway for those of you who enjoy building and crafting! (Think Finding Nemo meets 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!)

Announcing VBS 2016

VBS at Forestpark Community Church will run from Sunday June 5th-Thursday June 9th 6:15pm - 9:00 https://vimeo.com/142522220
VBS 2016 Worship Rally Drama Trailer from LifeWay VBS on Vimeo.